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Organize your Craft Cabinet with Deflecto

2/07/2020 | Lynn Lilly

Organize with Deflecto Storage Solutions

If you’re lucky, a designated craft cabinet with closed doors can be awesome. 
That means you’ve graduated from your kitchen table. One potential problem: with closed cabinet doors, even the neatest and the tidiest person might be tempted to stash and run when it’s time to clean up in a hurry. Those well-meaning craft cabinets can easily be ignored and get out of control without the right organization.  

(the Prismacolor pencils are in a medium stackable caddy container)
Organizing doesn’t have to be tedious and overwhelming if you take it one space at a time.

Once you’ve cleared out the cabinet, you’ll need to find the best storage that works for you. Deflecto has several great storage options to fit your needs.

Organization Tip…Labeling the bins is a great way to ensure supplies go back where they belong. They not only look good, but it also helps when looking for supplies.

The bins are easy to take with you when you need to work. They keep your workspace clutter-free and your supplies close at hand.

Deflecto Products used in the Craft Cabinet:    

 Make sure to check out the New Deflecto Website for our entire list of products.

You can see more details on Sue’s Craft Cabinet here.

Create Store, Create More or #Cr8StoreCr8More for storage

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