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Bridal Shower Mini Albums with Deflecto Vinyl Pouches

7/18/2017 | Lynn Lilly
Summer greetings!  Many bridal showers and weddings are happening this time of year!  My daughter got married last Summer, and we had a bridal shower for her last July! I had lots of pictures to share and wanted to make a gift of a mini photo album for family and friends who were involved in the shower and wedding.  Deflecto flexible pouches are the perfect solution to keeping the photos pristine through a lot of handling.  I will show you how I made my mini albums below.  
You will need:
Deflecto:  Flexible Pouches 5″ x 7″ #20020CR; 3″ x 5″ #20019CR
Deflecto:  Pear Clip, 2-1/2″ #20012CR (one for each album)
12 x 12″ Memory Papers:  Contrasting papers of the same color family
Vinyl for lettering:  Colors of your choosing
Vinyl transfer paper
Paper Trimmer
Ribbons:  Colors of your choosing
Die-cutting machine

First, select your photos and make sure they are sized small enough to mat and apply to the background paper with plenty of area around each photo.
Select colors of solid and patterned papers that will coordinate throughout the mini album.  I used a 12″ x 12″ paper pad, and they had already coordinated the papers!
Create a background for your page. Cut slightly smaller than 5″ x 7″ paper for your background page. Cut a mat paper slightly larger than the photo.  A double mat can be applied to the focal point photo if you prefer.
Check your layout but do not apply adhesive until you have placed the photos.  Dry placing the photos before applying adhesive is a sure way to get them the way you like them before adhering them to the page.
Working from the front of the album; right side up; you will need to reverse the position of each scrapbook page on the back or reverse side of each page.  I arranged each page and then inserted into the front and back of each pouch.
After completing all of the album pages; put them in a pile with all of the edges matching.  Cut a 4″ x 7″ piece of adhesive vinyl.  Adhere it to the top edges’ front and back to “bind” the pages together.
Punch a hole in the vinyl matching to the holes in the stack of pouches.  Attach the pear clip.
Cut and tie ribbons to the pear clip.  One ribbon or ten!  Up to you! Trim the ribbon tails at an angle.
Cut a vinyl monogram B and adhere it to the front of the 3″ x 5″ pouch.
Cut the word Bride from another color of vinyl and adhere to the top of the B as shown.
I recommend cutting the letter and word from memory paper first to make sure it is the right size and fits on top of the pouch.


I made a mini album using the 3″ x 5″ pouches.  I used the same technique as shown above.  My daughter has a long haired dachshund named “Riley.”  This mini album was dedicated to her. 
Below is a picture of Riley all decked out for the 4th of July!   
Thanks for stopping by!
Make sure to take time to enjoy the small blessings along the way and;
Live Life with a Flourish!

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