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5/23/2017 | Lynn Lilly
May 23rd, 2017
Submission’s Due: June 23rd, 2017 (USA residents only)
CALLING ALL CREATIVES: we don’t want to miss meeting you!

Deflecto is looking for rock stars to join our newest design team.
For more than 50 years, Deflecto has been helping people get organized in the office and at home. We’re looking for designers with a focus on *DIY, *Home Décor *Painting *Sewing/crochet/quilting/knitting *Fashion *Jewelry *Polymer Clay *Kids Crafts *Scrapbooking *Card Making *Mixed Media *Wedding Crafts/Events *Recycled crafts.

Deflecto Design Team perks:
  • Each month you’ll get a gift box of amazing Deflecto products to use and develop into a project.
  • Your creations will have the potential to be a featured project each month on our blog (http://deflectotocraftwith.blogspot.com/) , and you will be compensated if selected.
  • You will have the ability to participate in Deflecto’s paid endorsement program.
  • You may occasionally receive products from our partners.
  • You will also receive sneak peeks of new Deflecto products.
Deflecto Design Team expectations:
The Deflecto products must be the primary focus of these projects. We want the benefits and functionality of the product to shine through.
  • Post your monthly required designs with the permalink to your personal blog on the deflecto Facebook group page by the first of each month; no later than the 5th. This is necessary to be eligible for endorsement consideration.
  • Link to the Deflecto Blog on your blog/Facebook page and/or website.
  • Take crisp, clear photographs of your projects in well-lit areas. Props and backgrounds are encouraged but keep it clean cut, so readers are not distracted away from the project. If the product is clear or white use a colored background so the edges of the product can be seen.
  • Be an ambassador for the Deflecto company and our product brands.
Design Team term is 12 months: September 1, 2017- September 1, 2018
How to apply:
Submit the following information, including links, to (Markhlee@mac.com) for review. Please include “Deflecto Design Team Call-out” in the subject line.
  • Follow us on our Blog, Facebook, and Pinterest
  • Send us direct links to three or four of your best projects, or you may send a general link to your blog or online gallery.
  • We want our team members to take high-quality photographs that show a good representation of their work with our products. We will also be reviewing your writing style and how you share information about the products you use. All work submitted must be original and created by you.
Please also include the following information in your e-mail:
  • Your full name
  • Preferred e-mail address; (please note: this design team call is open to USA only residents at this time)
  • Phone number
  • Address (where products would be shipped if selected)
  • Blog Link
  • Links to any additional places we might see your work
  • Any other design teams you are currently a member of
  • Your preferred crafting style (Are you primarily a card maker? Scrapbooker? Mixed Media Artist? Something else entirely?)
  • If you currently teach classes or hold workshops, please provide any relevant information about them
  • Short description of why you want to be on the Deflecto Design team
Endorsement program:
  • Endorsements will be selected internally by our marketing department. Submissions will be judged based on project theme, creativeness, and quality of photos. If you have any questions, please contact Mark Lee.
  • We will pay a minimum $25.00 endorsement for projects selected to be featured on our website, blog, tradeshow booth and rep samples. If instructions are requested, an additional $25.00 will be paid. We will also authorize the minimum $25.00 endorsement for projects published via online magazines, books, etc.
  • A $25.00 endorsement fee will be paid to designers whose projects are chosen for the monthly Designer Spotlight blog post.
The deadline for submission is June 23rd, 2017.
If chosen, you will be contacted no later than June 30th, 2017, and your 12-month term will commence September 1, 2017. Additionally, we’re always looking for guest designers. Simply note in your e-mail application that you would like to be considered for a guest position if this is your desire. We won’t contact potential guest designers at this time, but instead, will keep those applications on file and contact you when a guest position is available.
If you have any questions prior to submitting your application, don’t hesitate to send Mark Lee an e-mail at markhlee@mac.com . We look forward to receiving your application.

Mark Lee (Deflecto Design Team Liaison)
Marilyn Gossett (Deflecto Design Team Coordinator)
In partnership with DreamSolutions Marketing Corp.

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