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Organize and Decorate To Inspire

4/15/2016 | Lynn Lilly
Hi, everyone! It is Monica from Taylormadecards4u. With Spring comes Spring cleaning in my craft room. I go through a major destash and reorganize new as well as old crafty items.
But organizing is only one part of my Spring Cleaning. I like to surround myself with things and decor that inspires me.

If you know my work, then you know I love to make vintage inspired projects. A few months ago, I shared with you this organizer that I decorated to hold my washi tape. 

Well, I have added to the collection, using the same theme, Postale. I wanted my bins to look like mail slots. That is what I was going for. Do you think I achieved it?
So now I don’t only have a lot of the items right at my fingertips, I have beautiful, organized bins that I can look at every time I work at my craft desk. 

Here are the deflecto products I used to organize my ribbons:

Deflecto products are available through local art, craft, and educational stores, in addition to several online retailers such as Amazon.com, Scrapbooking.com, and Scrapbooking Made Simple. To find a local retailer, click HERE and enter your zip code to see where you can purchase Deflecto Craft products near you.

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